This work by Michael Etigson (E-mail) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Monday, May 11, 2009

Religion Discovers Science

This is one of my older ideas, dating back to my high school days. A simple 'what if' concept that I found amusing. After all, what would God's reaction be to mankind's bold pronouncements about the nature of reality be other than laughter (or at least a snicker). I'd almost forgotten about it entirely until a friend asked me to think 'godly' thoughts. She wanted a photo of me to use for a drawing she doing that depicted me as a godlike being and wanted me to look the part. I found this hysterical but gave it a shot. Approaching it as an actor like Pacino might, I attempted discern my motivations and immediately hit a brick wall -- constructed, ironically from my innately scientific nature. I tried to picture myself as a being that created everything and logic forced me to ask that age old question of what existed before it was all created. Naturally, I was stymied because I'm just a human on a ball of dirt in an infinite universe. Incidentally, I knew even before I drew this that I'd end up making God look a bit like Santa Claus, but in retrospect the parallel seems somewhat fitting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lol kool pic man.