This work by Michael Etigson (E-mail) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Right Sized

Those that have been to AA will most likely chuckle at this one (or at least I hope they will). For those who haven't, getting 'Right Sized' is a reference to applying some objectivity to how you see yourself, which is quite useful if you want to avoid the nightmare of addiction for another day. Humans frequently suffer from bouts of low self-esteem or egotism and for addicts these internal views can be quite exaggerated and lead us to the nearest drink or drug. Of course, the annoying part about the process of getting 'Right-Sized' is that it involves actually sharing things you may not want to with others and worse yet, listening... ugh.

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