This work by Michael Etigson (E-mail) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Halloween at Valley

Inspired by spending Halloween in the hospital doped up on pain-killers as the nurses and doctors did their rounds wearing costumes. Ever wake up on morphine to a nurse wearing a witch costume? (not good)

Duel Diagnosis

When I was first being diagnosed for pancreatitus I had four or five doctors running tests on me and coming to different conclusions. I had days in the hospital where a doctor would tell me I was fine and could be discharged then another would tell me a test showed there was a serious problem. Sometimes this would happen in the span of a few hours and it left me feeling rather confused and aggravated.

The Great Escape

This was the result of hearing about a nurse that fell asleep while she was keeping an eye on a patient who promptly slipped by her and left. As it turned out the patiend, an emotionally disturbed woman, only went to get a blanket for the nurse because the woman thought the nurse was cold. Unfortunately, the incident was reported and the nurse was punished for losing track of her charge.

Elder Nurse

I heard two nurses talking about the elderly and one of them exclaimed, 'Ohhh, I just love old people, they're soo cute!' in a voice so sickeningly sweet it made me nauseous. I thought how my mother - an 'old person' - would respond to this youngster and decided there wouldn't even be a tooth left of her when she was done with her.

Drawing with Pipe

Please don't ask me to explain this one. Bat looked at it and suggested I see a therapist.

Birdfeeder Symphony

I did this one for my mother who was always attending to the birdfeeder, even when there was three feet of snow and sub-zero temperatures.

Rogue with yo-yo cat

Not much to say about this one. It's an eighteeth century rogue with a tiny cat on his shoulder playing with a yo-yo. The image reduction makes it nigh impossible to see the cat and Bat complained about this. If she'd had her druthers I'd of drawn the cat full-scale with a tiny rogue sitting on it's shoulder not the other way around.


Bat liked this one for obvious reasons.